Since the formation, the Club has grown extensively. By the year 1993, there was a branch of Royaleaglepriest in every major city in Nigeria. Royaleaglepriest headquarters is located in Enugu, State of Nigeria. Our club is often imitated but seldom duplicated. Since 1971, there have been other clubs who tried to compete with Royaleaglepriest, but could not compete. This is why Royaleaglepriest is a privilege to belong. Membership is open to all irrespective of race, religion or tribe. Our club is also non-political and non-profit.The Royaleaglepriest ProtocolRoyaleaglepriest Protocol is what separates the club from every other organization. That's what gives members the dignity and sense of belongingness while elevating the club above all other organization.
Everything about the club follows a certain formality and etiquette.Royaleaepriest membership is all about respect, recognition for each other and adherence to a strict code of social ethics and decorum. Royalewglepriest is about class, elegance and nobility. It is a privilege to belong and this why many are called but a few are chosen.From the pageantry and ovation of simple entrance of members, to sitting arrangements, to the way they talk and when they talk, royaleaglepriest members exude enthusiasm, orderliness and discipline. They are superior of hierarchy, procedure and show of excellence. In royalewglepriest there is no hurry. It must be done right.It is a matter the protocol! —- the Royalealepriest way !!! I or call: +23490226572119
I won't to join occult for money rituals without human intervention in Nigerian an Ghana contact us ... + 2349022657119I am about to share with you a great secret. You are about to become a part of the royaleaglepriest Brotherhood. We are a dedicated group of spiritually inspired individual to a more profound study of the mysteries. We will help you achieve stability in every aspect of your life. Our doors are opened to only true seekers.ROYALEAGLEPRIEST Brotherhood offers all initiate members growth, wealth, fame, power, prosperity and success in all areas of heart desires. We don't demand human sacrifice, the use of any human parts or early personal death as a precondition for you to become our member. Members into our fraternity is free and normally through a thorough screening. We are here to liberate those who need wealth, riches, power, prosperity, protection and success in all ramification.Guardians of Age royaleaglepriest Brotherhood is a fraternity with grand lodge temple in Nigeria and Ghana.Dear Friend and Seeker of the Classical African tradition, You live in a world shaped by women and men who sought greatness beyond the limitations of their own minds. It was their destiny to become more than merely human to become true masters over the winds of their lives.RPYEALEAGLEPRIEST Brotherhood is not for everyone, but if it is for you, we welcome you. We are not a fan club, a pen-pal society, or a lonely hearts group. We are a group of dynamic individuals who stand forth as the ultimate underground alternative — the Alien Elite. We realize what we have, what we are, and what we shall become. Our scope is unlimited, and the extent of your involvement is based upon your own potential. All names and addresses are held in strict confidence and you are under no obligation as a Registered Member, unless you choose to present yourself for further consideration. registration into ROYEALEAGLEPRIEST Brotherhood is free, no fee is required.
i was moving with my friend for more than 10 years and he have been getting rich everyday and even giving me money but he never told me the secret of his success until a day i was frustrated to let him know that he should help me also that was when he open up to me and tell me that he was a member of the occult brotherhood that he have been in the court for more than 10 years that his riches and protection came from this court.