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Location:Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Posted By (seller-service):PERFECT LABO(business)

Perfect laboratory was established in 1947 following degree ( Z L /18&SSD-01/GVA ) of the World Bank Geneva, Switzerland.The creation of the SSD PERFECT Laboratory in Europe was to handle monetary issues such as cleaning black coated money, green coated money, regaining negative money and all sorts money that was transformed or defaced during transportation as a result to avoid risk of hijackers and terrorists. WHO WE ARE ? PERFECT LABORATORY is the first and only laboratory in Europe that manufactures ssd solution chemical, UNIVERSAL ANTI VIRUS powders, UNIVERSAL RÉACTIVATION POWDER, All type of spray and offers machine and 4D machine services .It was first created to handle money issues with European countries but by 1952 began to operate worldwide to the fast rising of black money owners in the world. OUR SERVICES We have all kind of services related money cleaning SSD solution SSD Solution SSD Chemicla Solution SSD Super Solution SSD Universal Solution SSD Super Automatic Solution SSD PK58 Solution SSD Ultimate 2018 Solution Activation Powder Mercury Powder Grade A Counterfeit Bills We have fresh New us dollars and euros we are looking for real partners to deal with in the money laundering meaning you provide a company account we deliver you and important sum you deposit in your account and you transfer to us 70% and 30% for you we provide everything for the job contact us if your real business man thanks WhatsApp  1. Your Full names....................................... 2. Your Direct contact number for more infortion 3. Your Age................................................ 4. Your Nationality.................................................. 5. Your country of residence............................................... 6. Your actual job or business..................................................... 7. your requirement .................... 8. Your Position in your company or office........................................ As soon as we receive these information our agent will contact you for proper arrangement for a face to face meeting with you our . Thank you once again for your interest and visit to our page and web site CONTACT TEL : 0033 758826761 WathsApp : 0033 758826761 Website :www.perfectlabo .com
Price: US $1 ( 1 )
Contact Information, renting, global, Dubai - United Arab Emirates, ssd solution chemicals,activation powder,anti virus powder,universal solution,mercury,laser machine, SSD SOLUTION UNIVERSAL CHEMICAL  TO CLEAN ALL TYPE COATED NOTES